The Walking Pigeons
Oh they sure can be more threaten than a gang.

"Coo...Coo..." Can you hear the non-stopping sound coming from the window? Being a part of Dong Hwa, even if you haven't seen it in person yet, you must have heard of the biggest and evilest gang in recent years-The Pigeons.
According to our research, the pigeons have marched into Dong Hwa ten years ago. In this humongous campus, they have no natural enemies. This leads to the continuous growth in population, and as a result, leaving the whole campus in a state of disarray.
Out of all the buildings, why did the pigeons choose the Science and Engineering Building II as the location of their luxury apartments? The structure of the building is the most likely reason. They use the outer part of the window air conditioners and the gaps of the building for nesting and breeding purposes. In comparison, the newer buildings like the Environmental Studies Building have installed split type air conditioners which leave no room for the pigeons to build their nests. Therefore, there are not that many pigeons in the area. (However, according to a professor of environmental studies, the pigeons have the intention of invading their building.)
A lot of people are concerned about the issue of pigeon pest control, and the school officials and professors are also working to solve this problem. For example, one of the science and engineering professors has tried methods such as bird spikes, AI laser, airsoft pellets, and most recently, quadcopters. As for the school officials, they have used bird nets, traps, and the biological control method. However, they yield poor results. According to our interviews, most of the professors agree that either Trap-neuter-return or culling is the most efficient solution. Nevertheless, these two methods concern the Animal Protection Act and public opinion. That is why they cannot be implemented, and the case of pigeons remains unsolved.
Would you like to dig deeper into the information on the pigeons? "Nature People Club" can provide you with more details!