The Start of the Roundabout
Mystery circle? crop circle? Nah, don't worry our architect isn't the mowing devil.

Dong Hwa is the first to establish the college of Indigenous studies. When designing the teaching zoning, the architect and professors put in so much effort to present the magnificence of Indigenous culture.
The teaching zone of Indigenous studies building has a gradient changes of levels, double-pitch roof as main features to create an Imagery of Indigenous tribes. The architect tried to reproduce houses from different tribes on the main buildings while integrating the concept of nature worship and Animism into the landscaping. As for the aspect of their homeland, a lot of elements such as Mountains, water, plants are included. Therefore, the courtyard landscaping has woods, square of the sun, valleys, totem pillars ,etc. that is based on these elements.
A lot of students are interested in how the roundabout square is designed, it actually used the element of sun in the first place! In the culture of Indigenous, dancing often means unity and mutually supporting. Additionally, there are varied meaning of the shape "circle", such as Tao(達悟) and Paiwan(排灣). Tao people decorate their Tatala(a kind of Tao's traditional fishing boat) with concentric circles in the shape of the sun called "Eyes of the Boat", which means auspicious. They believe that it blesses the people that went fishing a safe trip. On top of that, the Paiwan uses the circle with gaps in their choreography. This formation represents a collective lifestyle (the circle) and space for growing life (the gaps).
Stand in the middle of the square and you will feel nature hugging you! It will fill you with cohesion and vitality.