顯影 Shian-ing

Every season, every emotion, every moment that we have went through on campus has become an important part of our life.

Even though we have been in Dong Hwa for more than two, three years, we still don't know much about the background information nor the of Dong Hwa. Soon, we will all graduate and leave, this is the moment we are the closest to Ding Hwa. Hence, we decided to established MID (Made In Dong Hwa).

We regard Dong Hwa as our main lead, dig out the design principle and all kinds of different allusions, sorted out the information, then turned these into illusion and stories that we can tell. We hope our students and teachers have the chance to know more about Dong Hwa, and if possible they can use their expertise to preserve and inherited the stories that are gradually disappearing.
This exhibition "Shian-ing"(means appearing from the shadow), is to show what we have done through last year. We collected questionnaires, interviewing, designing illustrations, creating stories, this is how we have all 15 different facts that are able to provide. We have covered different fields like supernatural, environment, architecture, etc. We would like to make the stillness stories of Dong Hwa come out of the shadow, and revealed the secrets that were hiding for a long time.
Hopefully, by our project, we can leave impressions of Dong Hwa on us and to those that have come to our exhibitions. On top of that, know more about this place that we live in. Feel free to visit our website, the illustrations and both Chinese and English version stories are all on here.

2019 東華誌造 | 版權所有。
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